Escape Route, The Untold Story of the SS - Maurício Munhoz

R$ 47,30



The book tells excerpts from the stories of people living before, during, and after the Nazis’ passage through power in Germany. In it, we can have an indication of how the German population at first supported Nazi ideas.

Hitler did not come to absolute power with the majority of votes. The Führer, however, had the support of most of the Germans to implant Nazism. The fact that a population of such high culture would conceive the flowering of racist ideas, underpinning an expansionist policy, cannot be explained only by the strength of the charisma and power of the eloquent speech of a character, a leader.

To comprehend the Germans’ behavior during the Nazi period, we need to understand the historical moment and how culture, myths, and beliefs influenced the construction of their symbolic universes, or how the Germans created their way of seeing the world.

There are studies seeking such an understanding, and this work was based on some of them, without, however, claiming to be an essay on Nazism. The book is just a historical novel.

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