Labor, Human Rights and Public Policy

R$ 57,90
Autor: Felipe Chiarello de Souza Pinto, Kátia Magalhães Arruda, Paulo Campanha Santana
ISBN: 978-989-37-5484-9
páginas: 224
idioma: Português

Public policy discussions are, at any time, a major issue in any government, since they are a fundamental part of government agendas and the main mechanism for the realization of human and social rights. Brazil is a country that has a growing importance in the international arena, especially for its environmental and cultural riches, making it a country of extreme geopolitical relevance. Nevertheless, issues such as security, hunger, education, health, transportation, and democracy are constantly put to the test in the face of its development, size, and conflicts.Therefore, this work aims to bring important reflections on this theme, analyzing the public policies regarding labor and human rights. And in the midst of this, social policies must function as tools to realize human rights and restore balance. It is a great book for understanding better the labor environment in Brazil and how it is affecting human rights safeguard.
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